Sedona Wonder Store

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Sedona Earthquake

4.7 Magnitude Earthquake, epicenter 34.977°N, 111.740°W , 7 miles north or Sedona. 11-30-14

A minor earthquake struck the Sedona area around 11 pm Sunday night. The rumble and shaking lasted about half a minute. It was a 4.7 magnitude Earthquake. Its epicenter was located at 34.977°N, 111.740°W , about 7 miles north or Sedona, near West Fork hiking area in Oak Creek Canyon. Residents of Flagstaff and other nearby towns also felt the quake. Earthquakes along Oak Creek Canyon are not uncommon; however, this is the strongest to shake the area in recent years. No damage has been reported. 11-30-14

Here are links to the latest information on the quake:

U.S. Geological Survey page

AZ Family News Web site story

Home surveillance video shows the shaking in Flagstaff

Sedona Red Rock News (Facebook Pg.)

ABC 15 story

AZ Central story

ABC (AP story)

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